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0191,0192,0193 MassCheck氨基酸,酰基肉碱干血斑质控, 用于监控定量测定氨基酸,酰基肉碱和琥珀酰丙酮在干血分析方法的准确度和精确度Chromsystems






新生儿遗传代谢疾病检测,串联质谱分析方法试剂盒LC-MS/MS 非衍生化

  • All required and isotope labelled standards included

  • Dried blood spot controls included

  • Direct sample injection without derivatisation

  • High selectivity and sensitivity by MS/MS detection

This Chromsystems reagent kit allows the very fast and reliable determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines from dried blood spot samples as part of the newborn screening for amino acid and fatty acid metabolic disorders using tandem mass spectrometry. Sample preparation is based on effective extraction of the analytes from the filter card without any further sample preparation steps required. The test utilises stable isotope labelled internal standards for calibration and measurement to ensure reliable and precise quantification of the analytes. Due to the time saving sample preparation and high precision of the MRM method, this direct injection kit stands out from the derivatised method. On the other hand lower sensitivity and interferences from isobaric substances (e.g. C5DC and C6OH) in acylcarnitines analyses may occur.



Linearity:Amino acids: 2000-2400 µmol/l
(Acyl-)carnitines: 25-200 µmol/l
Limit of quantification:Amino acids: 2.5-30 µmol/l
(Acyl-)carnitines: 0.1-1.6 µmol/l
Recovery:Amino acids: 64-94 %
(Acyl-)carnitines: 63-102 %
Intra-assay:Amino acids: 2-11 %
(Acyl-)carnitines: 3-12 %
Inter-assay:Amino acids: 3.5-18 %
(Acyl-)carnitines: 4.8-14 %
Analysis time:< 2 min


Cutoff thresholds


Amino acids:ca. 30 to 1000 µmol/l
free carnitine:ca. 55 µmol/l
Acylcarnitines:ca. 0.2 to 10 µmol/l


LC-MS/MS parameters

LC-MS/MS system. No HPLC column is required.


Injection volume:10 µl
Flow gradient:20 to 600 µl/min
Autosampler rinsing solution:Rinsing Solution (57007)
Mass transitions: 
Alanine90 > 44
Alanine-D494 > 48
Arginine175 > 70
Arginine-D7182 > 77
Aspartic acid134 > 116
Aspartic acid-D3137 > 119
Citrulline176 > 113
Citrulline-D2178 > 115
Glutamic acid148 > 130
Glutamic acid-D5153 > 135
Glycine76 > 30
Glycine-13C2-15N79 > 32
Leucine132 > 86
Leucine-D3135 > 89
Methionine150 > 133
Methionine-D3153 > 136
Ornithine133 > 70
Ornithine-D6139 > 76
Phenylalanine166 > 120
Phenylanlanine-D5171 > 125
Proline116 > 70
Proline-D7123 > 77
Tyrosine182 > 136
Tyrosine-D4186 > 140
Valine118 > 72
Valine-D8126 > 80
Free carnitine162 >85
Carnitine-D9171 > 85
C2-Carnitine204 > 85
C2-Carnitine-D3207 > 85
C3-Carnitine218 > 85
C3-Carnitine-D3221 > 85
C4-Carnitine232 > 85
C4-Carnitine-D3235 > 85
C5-Carnitine246 > 85
C5-Carnitine-D9255 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine276 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine-D6282 > 85
C6-Carnitine260 > 85
C6-Carnitine-D3263 > 85
C8-Carnitine288 > 85
C8-Carnitine-D3291 > 85
C10-Carnitine316 > 85
C10-Carnitine-D3319 > 85
C12-Carnitine344 > 85
C12-Carnitine-D3347 > 85
C14-Carnitine372 > 85
C14-Carnitine-D3375 > 85
C16-Carnitine400 > 85
C16-Carnitine-D3403 > 85
C18-Carnitine428 > 85
C18-Carnitine-D3431 > 85


Sample preparation

  • Punch 3 mm dried blood spot disk out of the filter card into a well plate.
  • Add 100 µl Internal Standard, agitate for 20 min.
  • Inject 10 µl of the extract into the LC-MS/MS system.


Order no.Product
57000MassChrom® Reagent kit for the determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines from dried blood spot (LC-MS/MS)/Non Derivatised with regular 96 well plates.
For 960 analyses.
57000/FMassChrom® Reagent kit for the determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines from dried blood spot (LC-MS/MS)/Non Derivatised with 96 well filter plates.
For 960 analyses.
 Separately available components
57001Mobile Phase, 1000 ml
57002Mobile Phase, 10 x 1000 ml
57004/TInternal Standard (lyoph.), 25 ml
57004Internal Standard (lyoph.), 4 x 25 ml
57007Rinsing Solution, 1000 ml
57008Extraction Buffer, 100 ml
5701096-Well-Plates, V-Boden, 5 pcs.
55011Protective sheets for 96 well plates, 10 pcs.
5705796 Well filter plates, 5 pcs.
55013Piercable adhesive seal for 96 well plates, 10 pcs.
 Startup accessories
55015Restrictor Capillary, 1 pc.
55016Adapter collar for centrifugation, 2 pcs.
57099Tuning Mix, incl. all analytes, 2 ml
55033PEEK prefilter, 5 µm, 5 pcs.
15010PEEK prefilter housing, 1 pc.
 Chromsystems quality control material (filter spot)
0191MassCheck® Amino Acids, Acylcarnitines Dried Blood Spot Control, Bi-Level (I+II), 2 x 3 Spots
0192MassCheck® Amino Acids, Acylcarnitines Dried Blood Spot Control, Level I, 1 x 3 spots
0193MassCheck® Amino Acids, Acylcarnitines Dried Blood Spot Control, Level II, 1 x 3 spots




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